Sunday, January 18, 2009

Beware of hidden contention of Math.random()

Did you know that Math.random() uses a single java.util.Random instance, which itself is thread-safe*? What this means is that if you have a benchmark with multiple threads that are supposed to run in parallel, and all of them constantly generate random numbers through Math.random(), they will all compete for its lock and can deteriorate into running serially.

So, beware of this pitfall. It is preferrable to share instead a ThreadLocal, as for example in:

static final ThreadLocal localRandom = new ThreadLocal() {
    @Override protected Random initialValue() {
        return new Random();

Random random = localRandom.get();

This is already quite a common practice when using SimpleDateFormat in web applications, where it is more efficient to have a separate instance per thread rather than have all threads contend for a single instance (which tends to be quite computationally intensive).

A better alternative is slated for inclusion in Java 7: ThreadLocalRandom. This is like a thread local Random, only it is not thread-safe, so some unnecessary overhead is avoided. There is a slight inconvenience that you can't control the initial seed - I could be wrong though (the javadoc says that setSeed throws UnsupportedOperationException, but the implementation seems to be that exactly one call of this method is allowed).

* Using volatile reads and compare-and-swaps, which makes it lock-free

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